



Bio: I'm a 36 year old single mom. I recently became a Certified Personal Trainer though Health and Fitness has been apart of my life for over 18 years. It was after I sustained a workplace injury in March 2012 that I used my knowledge of fitness training to recover from the injury. I had many professionals in Nova Scotia assisting with my Physio therapy and I am grateful for their patience and professionalism for the most part. After a year and three months of intense therapy the window of expectation for my return to work had approached but sadly was unsuccessful. More therapy continued for an additional five weeks finally ending when a professional said, "there's nothing more we can do for you." It was from that point that I decided I was going to take matters in to my own hands and make myself stronger both mentally and physically reducing the pain to a tolerable degree. I hate taking pills so this was my goal and nothing was going to stop me NOT EVEN PAIN!!! It was immediately that I began seeing changes in my body a lot to do with muscle memory and my commitment to becoming stronger again but not only that my perspective as well changed. I was inspired to do more and had friends and family praising my resilience suggesting I should do more. So I did, I enrolled in the upcoming fall classes, the Fitness Theory Program through the Nova Scotia Fitness Assocation offered at the Nova Scotia Community College, Truro Campus. In December 2013 I wrote my exam and the rest as they say is history. The best investment I could have ever made. Since June 2013 I have been physically active training 4 to 6 times a week BUT definitely taking time off let my muscles recover, grow and develop. When I'm not in the gym training I do some times exercise at home but mainly Cardio and light weights changing my routine up to confuse my muscles. When I'm not exercising at all, I'm always thinking of new ones that I can incorporate in to my routine, providing fitness advice and or researching healthy new meals and plates. After all exercising is only a small fraction when establishing and maintaining a "Healthy" lifestyle. Completing the RTL is one of the many steps to a much bigger picture that I am now dreaming. I want to help EVERYONE find that healthier new lifestyle, through clean eating, exercise, positive support and inspiration. I don't want anyone to be discouraged because they think healthy eating is expensive or they fear they will fail, relapse to their old habits, or become to busy. NONSENSE friends we are all human and nothing and no one is perfect but practice, consistency, commitment and education are the ingredients to establishing a new you. The main ingredient is YOU!!!! I have an idea for a youth program(that will remain a secret for now) I want to get more youth engaged; help them build their self esteem, confidence, self respect, while developing OR maintaining the body that they love teach them that you only have one body and no one will love it body more then them, so why not take care of it. Creating and finding new exercises is what has kept me engaged mentally in my training. Appropriate strengthening exercises is what has made me stronger. Now, I'm not able to do the exercises I used to but modifying many has made me equally stronger. In the last year "Kettlebells" have made my training so much more invigorating and the full body workout is phenomenal. Now If you are wondering if I do anything besides exercise and eating healthy, well I do, I'm an avid volunteer in the community, a writer and a full time mom to a recently turning 17 young lady. She is also one of the reasons I stay active cause she loves to dance and will randomly request that I show her some of the "Old School" moves or she will show me a few and expect because as she says, "you are young mom" that I can do them so I need to keep up with her. I have this hunger you see to be the best I can be an then some AND along the way if I can change the lives of others then I have accomplished something far more bigger then me. Stay fit with TRIFIT

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